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Curriculum Statement

Please note there are exciting developments to our curriculum and this section is being updated.

If you need more information on our curriculum please talk to the teachers or contact Mr James, Headteacher.
[email protected]

Curriculum Statement

The Vision of the University of Chichester Academy Trust is for all young people to be inspired by an excellent education that raises their aspirations and enriches their lives. Our deep roots in educational research, teacher development and social justice mean we find innovative ways to create excellence.

As an Academy Trust where co-leadership sits at the heart of our approach, we are confident that by working as one organisation we can ensure that all our staff, our pupils and our communities:

  • Achieve More
  • Challenge Thinking
  • Shape Futures

Our 5 Curriculum Values

Knowledge and Vocabulary Rich

’Building a store of knowledge works like compound interest – it grows exponentially’

Willingham 2021

Our focus on knowledge and Oracy reflects the foundational role it plays in developing skills:

  • Empower children to know more, remember more and apply more.
  • Spotlight communication skills to shape futures
  • Developing leaners who think critically, reason together and have the vocabulary to articulate their knowledge and understanding.

Sequenced and Coherent

Thoughtful and deliberate sequencing of curriculum content is essential to ensure that pupils are able to build upon and establish connections with their existing knowledge.

  • Curriculum sequencing ensures that, where necessary, new knowledge and skills are met in a logical or meaningful sequence.
  • Manage the ‘Learning Load’ by strengthening core concepts and deepening meaning.
  • Understanding the purpose – why this, why now?

Diverse & Equitable

"Powerful knowledge takes students beyond their experiences".

Young 2013

We want to empower our pupils with the knowledge to comprehend and eloquently express their own identity, origins, and their place within the narrative of their community and the broader world.

  • Our curricular allows children to admire the richness of other cultures and recognise how they are equally important.
  • Enable access to the essence of society, reflect the influences that have shaped today's world: question prevailing misconceptions, promote diversity, and assist children in both discovering and taking pride in their own identities.
  • Accessible to all pupils, addressing needs and adaptive – opportunities for all children to achieve more.

Evidence Informed

‘We need to be evidence informed because it is our moral duty, because it exists, for social justice - to close the disadvantage gap and for the credibility of our profession.’

Muijs 2020

As a university sponsored Trust, we use this evidence to inform the professional judgements we make about our teaching that will provide the best outcomes for our context.

  • Evidence informed through rigorous application of best practice and the science of learning.
  • Opportunities to enjoy, learn and use the content to reflect upon and improve both our teaching and our pupils’ learning.

Future Ready

In a rapidly evolving world, it is imperative to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for their future success.

  • Designed to meet the changing demands of future workforce, embrace emerging technologies, foster critical thinking, and cultivate lifelong learners.
  • Strengthen key competencies pupils need to succeed in the future, such as adaptability, communication, resilience, collaboration, cultural competence, and entrepreneurial mindset.

The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest. With clear goals, solutions for change and progress are possible. A definition must consider four principles: access, equity, participation, and human rights. (