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Safeguarding Statement

The University of Chichester Academy Trust Board recognises its moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. We make every effort to provide a safe and welcoming environment underpinned by a culture of openness where both children and adults feel secure, able to talk and believe that they are being listened to. We maintain an attitude of “it could happen here” where safeguarding is concerned.

The purpose of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is to provide staff, volunteers and governors with the framework they need in order to keep children safe and secure in our academies and to inform parents and guardians how we will safeguard their children whilst they are in our care.

While recognising its own legal responsibilities in the matter of child protection, the Board requires all staff, pupils, parents and visitors to act safely and to co-operate in meeting these obligations. The Board believes that child protection is the responsibility of all adults. It will encourage employees to take an active role in ensuring that the highest standard of child protection is extended to all our pupils.

In our Trust we will educate and encourage pupils to keep safe through the content of the curriculum and an ethos which helps children to feel safe and able to talk freely about their concerns, secure in the knowledge that they will be listened to and valued.

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Lynne Roadnight

01420 472119

[email protected]

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead(s):

Chris James

Stacey David

Eleri Lawley

Louise Simmons

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The Designated Teacher for Looked After (or previously looked after) Children

Ellie Boyd


[email protected]

Safeguarding Governor

Derek Beesley

01420 472119

[email protected]