Weyford Nursery and Primary Academy is proud to have a wide range of cultures and beliefs within our community. We offer an approach to religious education that uses a process of enquiry into concepts. Children have the opportunity to respond from their own experience before being introduced to the way others appreciate things, giving children the ability to see how we may all be the same and then how people view the world differently. This approach gives children the opportunity to evaluate; that is to make a judgement about why something is important for someone else as well as to understand what may be important for themselves.
RE teaching identifies three groups of concepts:
Christianity is represented in every key stage and Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and other world religions are all studied throughout the school.
The RE curriculum at Weyford Nursery and Primary Academy is based upon Living Difference IV which follows a process of enquiry which has five steps: communicate, apply, enquire, contextualise and evaluate.
Each enquiry begins with the teacher inviting the children into the enquiry by communicating the concept; inviting the children to look first to their own experience of the concept through an activity, before at apply, exploring their own responses in relation to others' experiences.
At enquire, material that is new to the children is introduced, children may also reflect together, for example in a community of thoughtful enquiry, recognising that there are many different ways of looking at things.
At the evaluate step children are asked to weigh up their experience of the concept in two ways. First from the viewpoint of someone living a religious (or non-religious) life, as in the context studied. Secondly, the children come to understand what may be of value from their own point of view.
RE has links within our local community. We do this through our connection to St Mark’s Church. In school we remember the fallen through our remembrance service and art, celebrate harvest and festivals such as Diwali and Chinese New Year.
Through the teaching of RE our children will have a clear understanding of the concepts and how they can be seen within their own lives. They will be able to understand what it means to live a life with a religious belief and how the concepts they have learned about can become religious ideas and beliefs. Most of all our children will be prepared to embrace the diversity in our community and the world in which we live; understanding that our differences can be what draws us together.
We were once again delighted to welcome to Weyford Rev. Iain Robertson from St Mark's Church. Rev. Iain is a regular visitor and friend of Weyford, today he talked to us about The Ten Commandments and showed us an easy way to remember them. We did The Lord's Prayer in sign langiage and sang one of our favoujrite songs that Rev. Iain has taught us. We look forward to welcoming him back in Summer 2.
Imam Adeel Shah visits Weyford!
We were absolutely delighted to welcome Imam Adeel Shah to our Assembly. He talked to us about Islam and the work that local Muslims do within our community of Whitehill and Bordon. We hope to welcome Adeel back very soon!
We were delighted to welcome back Reverend Iain Robertson from St Mark's Church to our assembly. Reverend Iain was telling us about the importance of the symbol of the cross to Christians. Thank you Reverend Iain, we hope to see you soon.
On Thursday 13th October Years R, 1 and 2 went to St Mark's Church to celebrate our Harvest Festival. We were welcomed by Reverend Iain Robertson who led the service with Miss Smith. During the service all year groups read a harvest poem and sang a song. Everyone was absolutely fantastic. Well done to all of the readers. We also made a fantastic donation to the Bordon Food Bank.