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Computing Curriculum Statement


Computing at Weyford intends to equip all children with the skills, knowledge and creative thinking to thrive in an ever changing digital world. Our Computing curriculum will focus on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science and information technology. We will use correct computing vocabulary and ensure children understand their meanings.

Digital literacy focuses on becoming a responsible, confident and creative user of information and communication technology. Computer science involves understanding how computers works and programming. Information Technology is concerned with using computers to save, store and send information.

As children have increasing access to computers, tablets and phones we also aim to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology.


The long term computing plan covers all aspects of the national curriculum and throughout each year children will learn about digital literacy, computer science and information technology. A range of programs, websites and apps are used including Word, Purple Mash and Scratch to best meet the needs of the children.

E-safety is highly valued and every year teaches the importance of being a responsible and safe user. This is reinforced throughout the year at other opportunities when children use or encounter computing systems.

As well as computing lessons, the IT is used to support learning in other subjects and there are plenty of opportunities for cross curricular links.


Children are competent and safe users of ICT with an understanding of how technology works. They have developed skills to use a range of digital media and have the skills and knowledge of computer science to approach computing challenges with confidence. They are able to evaluate the usefulness of digital content and use technology safely and respectfully.