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  • Governing Body

    Governor information 2022 - 2023


    Trustees delegate significant governance functions to local governing bodies, as set out in the Scheme of Delegation. The Local Governing Body has a strong focus on core strategic functions:

    1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
    2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils
    3. Overseeing the financial performance of the academy and making sure its money is well spent

    School governors play an important role in ensuring the smooth and effective running of the school. They provide a local perspective so that every child has the opportunity to be happy and successful.

    Our school governors are a mix of parents and staff and members of the local community, coming from diverse backgrounds bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience.

    It is a rewarding voluntary role which gives an insight in the workings of the school and an understanding of the education system more generally. There are many opportunities to develop skills in a range of areas and be involved in strategic decision-making. Full training and induction support is provided for all governors.  If you are interested in supporting the school as a member of the local governing body please contact the Headteacher.

    Governor Information 2021 - 2022

    Governor Register of Interests 2020 2021

    Governor Attendance 2019-2020

    Governor Impact Statement October 2017